Financial markets have changed significantly over the past years. The European Union (EU) is therefore replacing MiFID I with MiFID II to take account of these changes. The objective of the new Directive is to enhance protection and extend transparency for investors.
The new EU rules have been transposed into Austrian law through the Austrian Securities Supervision Act 2018 (Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz 2018 – WAG 2018). These new legal requirements involve changes in the area of investments and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives from 3 January 2018.
The brochure MiFID II. The Austrian Securities Supervision Act 2018 provides you with an overview of the changes.
Your relationship manager will be pleased to provide you with detailed information on the Austrian Securities Supervision Act of 2018.
Investment-Related Information: an overview of risks and opportunities (PDF)
Guidelines for managing conflicts of interest and for disclosure of benefits (PDF)
Execution Policy of UniCredit Bank Austria AG (PDF)
List of execution venues (PDF)
Company profile of Bank Austria (PDF)
Investing sustainably: Interesting facts about sustainable investments (PDF)
Information on bank resolution under the Austrian Act of Bank Recovery and Resolution (PDF)
Central Securities Depository Regulation: Information on the requirements for securities settlement (PDF)